Sunday, June 10, 2012

FMM Educación: ¿Se debe decir La "Presidente" o La "Presidenta"?

 Comparto éste tema con ustedes pues hace un buen tiempo me pregunto si es que ya no aplicamos las reglas gramaticales del castellano en la América hispano parlante. Creo que cuando no se mantienen las reglas desaparecen los parámetros a seguir, en el caso específico del idioma terminaríamos con miles de dialectos y retrocederíamos en el tiempo.

FMM Educación: ¿Se debe decir La "Presidente" o La "Presidenta"?

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne Creator of The Secret   From The Secret Daily Teachings To allow the Universe to move you in your life to happier and better things, you are going to need to look around you and appreciate the good things here and now. Seek the beautiful things and count the blessings of where you are. Dissatisfaction will not bring the happier and the better into your life. Dissatisfaction roots you to the spot where you currently are, but appreciation for what you have attracts the happier and better to you. Remember that you are a magnet! Appreciation attracts appreciation!   May the joy be with you.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Maggots for Wound Cleaning? - Dr. Weil

It may be of great help under a lot of circumstances, Mother Nature has its own way of reinventing itself.

Maggots for Wound Cleaning? - Dr. Weil