Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Keep Your Thoughts Healthy

Know your inner messengers.

By Louise L. Hay

Published: October 27, 2009
 Louise L. Hay
Every time we think or speak, we produce chemicals that travel all through our bodies.
There’s really no point in living longer if we don’t learn to accept that we’re responsible for our health or lack of it. The foods we eat, the exercises we do, and most important, the thoughts we think—our mental atmosphere—all contribute to our state of health.
I’d like us all to bring the word neuropeptides into our vocabulary. This is the word that describes the different chemical messengers that travel throughout our bodies every time we think a thought or say a word. Every time we think or speak, we produce chemicals that travel all through our bodies, touching every cell and depositing a bit of that chemical in it. (Dr. Candace Pert is the scientist who discovered this. For more information on her research, pick up a copy of her book Everything You Need to Feel Go(o)d. Fascinating reading!)
If our thoughts are fearful, angry, or in any way negative, then the chemicals that these messengers deposit depress our immune systems. If our thoughts are loving, optimistic, and positive, then the different chemicals that these messengers—or neuropeptides—deposit will enhance our immune system.
Moment by moment, we’re consciously or unconsciously choosing healthy thoughts or unhealthy thoughts. These thoughts affect our bodies. One thought by itself doesn’t have much influence over us. However, we all think more than 60,000 thoughts a day, and the effect on our thoughts is cumulative. Poisonous thoughts poison our bodies. Science is now confirming that we can’t allow ourselves to indulge in negative thinking. It’s making us sick and it’s killing us.
So, what kind of neuropeptides are traveling through your body right now?
Louise L. Hay, the author of the international bestseller You Can Heal Your Life, is a metaphysical lecturer and teacher with more than 40 million books sold worldwide. For more than 25 years, she has helped people throughout the world discover and implement the full potential of their own creative powers for personal growth and self-healing. Visit:

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